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“Values” are strongly held beliefs and principles that guide us in life.  Our congregation’s Values have been prayerfully identified by our Pastor and lay leaders.  They are grounded in our reading of Scripture and underpin both our Mission and our Vision.  Their function is to inform and guide the direction, shape and conduct of ministry, present and future.

Our Values:


    The Gospel, Grace, Personal Faith, Discipleship, Joy, Vibrant Worship, Faith at Home, Hospitality.

    –  The Bible, Spiritual Growth, Relationships, Passing on Faith, Innovation.

    –  Loving One Another, Service, Using our Gifts, Shared Ministry, Outward Focus, Community Care.


These values are expressed in 10 guiding sentences:

  1. “We are saved by grace, nothing more and nothing less.”  (The Gospel)

  2. “Worship – where joy comes to life, and our lives find their joy.”  (Joy, Vibrant Worship)

  3. “Jesus everywhere and everyday – at home, at work, at play.” (Discipleship, Personal Faith, Faith at Home)

  4. “The Bible is God’s Word to us, breath for life and light for sight.”  (The Bible)

  5. “We are disciples-under-construction, people of all ages growing in faith together.”   (Spiritual Growth, Passing               on Faith)

  6. “All people matter to God, and so they matter to us.”  (Hospitality, Outward Focus, Community Care)

  7. “To grow in Christ, we need each other.”  (Relationships)

  8. “As we love one another, the world sees Jesus in us.”  (Grace, Loving One Another)

  9. “All Christians are gifted, and gifted to give.”  (Using our Gifts, Service, Shared Ministry)

  10. “Faith steps into new things, knowing that God is already there.” (Innovation)

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